You Are Good, But I’m Better


Spice vs. Pussy Willow

SKU SB0172 Categories , , Tag
Run Time: 17 mins
File Size (MB/GB): 487
Video Quality: 480p


Pussy Willow makes her return and she’s squaring off against Spice making her Southern Belles debut! But while Spice may be new to the Belles she’s no stranger to amateur grappling in the UK and her reputation proceeds her. However Pussy Willow isn’t the least bit intimidated and it’s her cocky declaration from which we take the title for this match.

However Pussy Willow isn’t the least bit intimidated and it’s her cocky declaration from which we take the title for this match.

With both women equals in size and power we’re treated to an aggressive back and forth contest between them filled with plenty of holds particularly grapevines read naked chokes and scissors scissors scissors!

Great Belles action with two terrific mat talents!