Allie’s Southern Belles Debut


Allie Parker vs. Chloe Cummings

SKU SB0152 Categories , , Tag
Run Time: 16 mins
File Size (MB/GB): 427
Video Quality: 1080p


There are more than a few professional wrestlers who are reluctant to try their hand at amateur grappling but then there are those who are intrigued by the challenge. Allie Parker is one of those women who is always looking for new mountains to climb and when she recently contacted the Southern Belles about giving grappling a try we were more than happy to set up a match for her. “Just make sure the other girl is tough” she insisted. “I want this to be hard!”

Not wanting to disappoint her we went and booked Chloe Cummings against the brunette knowing this had the makings of a terrific Belles match!

And these two do not disappoint! Allie starts off strong taking the first two falls in this multi-fall contest. But the more experienced Chloe has a strategy expecting that her opponent in her over-eagerness will tire herself out quickly. And soon enough the blonde starts drawing tap outs from Parker.

The advantage exchanges between the two exhausted beauties until at long last one grappler draws the match-ending submission from the other. Afterward good sportswomanship abounds as they smile shake hands and hug. Allie exhilarated by the new experience turns to the camera and tells the Southern Belles office that she’s ready to return to the mats anytime we have another challenger for her!