Lisa’s Wrestling Surprise


Lisa Fury vs. Venom

SKU SB0135 Categories , , Tag
Run Time: 18 mins
File Size (MB/GB): 176
Video Quality: 480p


These two blonde beauties have been waiting to square off against one another on the mat for a while now and right from the start they go at it full force!

Not surprisingly given how fabled both Lisa and Venom are for their legs those limbs serve as both weapons of destruction and targets of opportunity as they yank twist bend squeeze and otherwise torture each other’s sculpted stems.

It’s a fairly even one fall submission contest for much of the match until at last Venom manages to gain the upper hand and she keeps it by rapidly shifting from one hold to the next each increasingly more painful for the victim.

It all comes to a violent climax as Venom cheekily decides to finish off her rival with one of Lisa’s own signature pro wrestling holds the Camel Clutch most definitely aiming to add insult to injury!

Does Venom gain the victory with her surprise move or does Fury surprise her by escaping and turning the tide?
The only thing that won’t be a surprise is how amazed you’ll be by the action in this one!